Down The Ladder Logo

down the ladder is now on neocities!

Jumping ship from Google has been long overdue.
Jul 16 2024

total war against the edgelords (media report #1)

In which we discuss The Birdcage, Smiling Friends, and Sonic Adventure - among other things.
Jul 14 2024

the internet can be good, i promise

There's great stuff out there if you're willing to look for it.
Jul 05 2024

sonic marches in parade: one hospitalized, several injured

"Once upon a time, Sonic was The Man."
Apr 29 2024

ai goes to the supreme court (of public opinion) which I appoint myself as the judge, jury, and executioner for three different uses of generative AI.
Apr 23 2024

this is not democracy manifest

The best way to radicalize someone against democracy is to tell them that America is one.
Apr 08 2024