Down The Ladder Logo

i started a (new) newsletter!

From The Superhighway is a newsletter designed to introduce people to the indie web.
Sep 19 2024

down the ladder is now on neocities!

Jumping ship from Google has been long overdue.
Jul 16 2024

total war against the edgelords (media report #1)

In which we discuss The Birdcage, Smiling Friends, and Sonic Adventure - among other things.
Jul 14 2024

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Down the Ladder is an independent multimedia project that provides analysis and commentary on politics, media, and history.

My name is Damian Thomas, and I've been writing off-and-on about politics, history, and media since 2017.

This project is what it says on the tin: an attempt to take discourse and media that are abstract and indefinite and pull them "down the ladder" - that is to say, ground them in material reality.

The content here ranges from media analysis, to covering the historical context behind contemporary political events, all the way to on-the-ground reporting. If you like what you see, feel free to support me using the link below.

Support me on Patreon!

If you instead want to get a hold of me, you can contact me at [email protected].