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the internet can be good, i promise

There's great stuff out there if you're willing to look for it.
Jul 05 2024

sonic marches in parade: one hospitalized, several injured

"Once upon a time, Sonic was The Man."
Apr 29 2024

ai goes to the supreme court (of public opinion) which I appoint myself as the judge, jury, and executioner for three different uses of generative AI.
Apr 23 2024

akira toriyama taught us how to beat god in a fight

And, for most of us, it worked.
Mar 18 2024

how to go to war with social media - a practical guide

We can make the old internet new again.
Mar 11 2024

the best character in star wars

Like most things in Andor - Luthen Rael is more fully-formed than anyone we've seen yet.
Mar 04 2024